Browse Items (27 total) Tags: Anti-nuclear Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Sort by: Title Creator Date Added / 2 pages RSG-6 Spies for Peace Pamphlet Bill Davidson 1963 Spies for Peace Pirate Broadcast Bill Davidson N/D [Est, mid-1960s] 'How to Disrupt, Obstruct and Subvert the Warfare State' Bill Davidson n/d (Est, 1963-1965) 'Dear Soldier: Fail To Comply' Bill Davidson n/d (Est, 1964/65) Official Secret: Nuclear shelters appear on East Coast of Scotland Bill Davidson n/d [early 1960s] 'Resistance' Committee of 100 bulletin Bill Davidson n/d [Est, 1966/67] Free Winged Eagle, No.1, 1979 Various Free Winged Eagle, No.2, 1979 Various Appeal for support, Committee of 100 Various n/d, 1962-3 Official Secret: N.A.T.O Nuclear Exercise "Fallex-62" Various 1963 Committee of 100 march to Downing Street Various n/d, 1963-64 Demonstration called after arrest of C100 activists Various n/d, 1963-64 Anti-Polaris March, Committee of 100 Various n/d, 1962-63 CND Leaflet Various 'NO' CND Poster Various n/d, early 1960s The CND Charter Various n/d 'Fall Out' CND leaflet Various 1964 'You ,the people, must say no' CND leaflet Various n/d, 1962/63 'Aldermaston to Algeria', CND leaflet Various n/d 'Civil Defense' CND leaflet Various n/d 'Advice to marchers', CND/C100, 1965 n/d Scottish CND leaflet n/d CND leaflet Various n/d 'UNITE AT WORK TO END ALL WAR', CND Mid-1960s Cienfuegos Press at the County Show Day, Kirkwall (1979) Stuart Christie Sort by: Title Creator Date Added / 2 pages Output Formats atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2